Friday, November 4, 2016

First Lady of the Confederacy Varina Howell Davis Day 11 Richmond VA

Although so much of the focus on Richmond is on Jefferson Davis, the president of the Confederacy from 1861-65, not much is said about his second wife, Varina Howell Davis and that's a mistake.  But those that knew her during those war years and later would heartily agree that Varina wore the pants, and wore them well.  
Raised by a distinguished family in Natchez Mississippi with all the proper education of a young woman of the era, Varina decided at a young age that she wanted more...more education and more experience, much to the dismay of her family and neighbors.  She began getting tutoring from Judge George Winchester, a Harvard grad and family friend who stated that 'if ever there's a top notch legal mind, it's Varina.'  After she married Jefferson Davis, 20 years her senior and during the war years, it was Varina who was often asked at war conferences with Generals abounding, what she thought and she was much more adept at seeing a potential pitfall or success in a battelplan than her often ill husband.  Most of the books in the house on Clay street in Richmond (the White House) were hers and she read and wrote profusely of the political situation.  She bore him 7 children, none of who survived her.  
After the war and capture of her husband Varina spent one year with him, caring for him in prison then returned to her home.  Jefferson Davis had long been a philandering husband and after his release from prison, he moved into a mansion in Florida, a gift from a female friend.  Varina stayed away, caring for her children and family and only returned when Davis was on his deathbed.  
She moved to New York City after that and became a very successful writer for the New York World, the newspaper owned by her friends the Pulitzers.  She passed away there at the age of 80 October 16th 1906 and is buried next to her husband in Richmond.  
Today is a big day of bloody battles....Chancellors and the Wilderness and then I'm off to my most north eastern stop, Norfolk and the OCEAN.  I MADE IT!!!!  Hugs from the road and thanks so much for your comments on my blog....makes me very happy to hear from you all.   

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